Details: caterers for arranging pure, clean and quality nutritious food etc. at the rate of one per player per day.the list of (06) six residential sports training centers of the district is as follows:-1. residential boys athletics sports training centre, paramveer albert eck stadium, gumla / trainees no. 252. residential girls football sports training centre, indoor stadium gumla / no. 25 of trainees 3. residential girls hockey sports training centre, ursuline convent high school gumla / no. 25 of trainees4. residential boys hockey sports training centre, saint ignatius high school gumla/ trainees no. 255. residential boys football sports training centre, saint ignatius high school, gumla/no. of trainees-25 6. residential boys badminton sports training centre, basia, gumla/no. of trainees-20(the number of players may reduce due to leave/going to competitions for which payment will not be made/food etc. is to be provided to the trainee players for a maximum of 330 days in a year
Sector: District Administration