JH-M-BOK-12-2023-24 - 89948208 INR 12.21 Crore.

The RWD Jharkhand has published a tender for "JH-M-BOK-12-2023-24" on the 12 Feb 2024. This tender belongs to Road Construction category. The vendors interested in this tender and related Road Construction tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.

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Road Construction tender analytics
  • A total of 243 tenders were published for Road Construction in the Jharkhand State during Dec 2023
  • RWD Jharkhand published 1168 tenders for Road Construction from Jan 2023 until Jan 2024
  • During the time period (Nov 2023 - Jan 2024), a total of 85 Road Construction tenders were published in Dumka district.
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     Tender Details

    Details: 1. construction of road from mahuatand to badki punnu. (l-3.130 km)clearing grass and removal of rubbish up to a distance of 30 m outside the periphery of the area as per technical specification construction of subgrade and earthen shoulders with approved material obtained from borrow pits with all lifts and leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacted to meet requirement. construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed at expansion and construction joint only plain cement concrete pavement, thickness as per design drawing and technical specification clause 1501. reinforced cement concrete m15 grade kilometre stone of standard design as per irc:8-1980, fixing in position including painting and printing etc. ordinary km post reinforced cement concrete m15 grade 200m post of standard design as per irc:8-1980, fixing in position including painting and printing etc. 200 m post reinforced cement concrete m15 grade fi post of standard design as per irc:8-198

    Sector: RDPR

    Published Date12 Feb 2024
    Tender Estimate Value12.21 Crore
    Due Date Login to view Due Date
    Earnest Money Deposit(EMD)INR XXXX
    Processing Fee 0
    Document Sale Start Date XX-XX-XXXX
    Document Sale End DateXX-XX-XXXX
    Tender Opening DateXX-XX-XXXX
    Tender Document Link Login to view the document
    Tender Category
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