Details: 5 6 8weeks , formation of the vertebral column at various stages of development , transverse section through a 4 week embryo cell of myotome and migration of cells of myotome , transverse section through the thoracic region a five-week embryo , transverse sections through embryos at various stages of development to show the formation of the nephric tubule at 21 days and 25 days , development of the renal pelvis calyces and collecting tubules of the metanephros at 6 weeks 7 weeks new born , relationship of hindgut and cloaca at the end of 5th weeks , ascent of the kidney , division of the cloaca into the urogenital sinus and anorectal canal at the end of 5 weeks 7 weeks and weeks , development of the urogenital sinus into the urinary bladder , relationship of the ureters and mesonephric ducts during development , transverse section through the in the 8th week of the development , t.s. at the 7th week of development showing the degeneration of the primitive cords and the formation
Sector: Medical Education