Details: labour component supplying of one no. fitter/tube well mistri three nos. helper unskilled labour for repairing of hand pump in different habitation in chatra district as per direction of e/i. for mobility supplying light vehicle tata-407 truck with driver, hsd (diesel 4 liter each t/w and lubricant-mobile ls) for carry the materials etc. in different habitation in chatra district as per direction of e/i. cost of materials(a) 12 mm dia b.s connecting rod 3.0 mtr. long including cariage c.p 10% (b) 32 mm dia g.i. pipe (medium quality) tata of equivalent with one no. seamless socket including carriage c.p 10% (c) c.i. cylinder i.m-ii complete set as per specification including carriage c.p 10% gst @ 18% (add sgst 9% + cgst 9%) labour cess 1%
Sector: Water supply and Sewerage