Details: earth work in excavation infoundation trenches in hard soil(vide classification of soil item -b) allcomplete as per approved design,building specification and direction ofe/i filling in foundation trenches andplinth in layers not exceeding 150mmthick well watered, rammed, fullycompacted and fine dressed with earthobtained after cutting within a lead of50 m and lift of 1.5m . all complete asper building specification and directionof e/i. (mode of measurementcompacted volume providing coarse clean sand fillingin foundation trenches or plinthincluding ramming & watering in layersnot exceeding 100 mm thick with allleads and lift including cost ofmaterials, labour, royalty & taxes allcomplete as per building specificationand direction of e/i. providing designation 75b onebrick flat soiling joint filled withlocal sand including cost of wateringtaxes royalty all complete as perbuilding specification and direction ofe/i p.c.c- providing and lying in positioncement concrete of specified gradeex
Sector: Labour and Employment