Details: e/work in bulk excavation in lead upto 25 mtr lift of 1.5 mtr. by mechanical means 80% aks 20%or providing and laying non-pressure of specified class r.c.c. pipesincluding collars/spigot jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in theproportion of 1:2 (1 cement: 2 fine sand) including testing of joints etc. complete. np3 900mm dia filling of available earth bs of wall cost in situ c.conc. of specified grades excluding cost of shuttering in….c.conc. m5 grade using 40mm stone agg. cost in situ c.conc. of specified grades excluding cost of shuttering in..c.conc.m10 grade with 30% plumb,using 20mm stone agg. supply & dumping of stone on horizontal incl. cost of stone. qty=30%of (b) centering and shuttering incl. propping and removal of same in foundation footing sand and coarse agg. average lead of 7 km by m.t stone average lead of 5 km by m.t add cost of cib with writing and painting
Sector: RDPR