Details: [20.114.1]supplying , testing of fullyautomatic electric control panel board fort/wells in pump chamber consisting ofms sheet of thickness 14 gauge dulypainted box type floor mounted made ofangle frame containing 1 no. fullyautomatic air brake starter suitable formotor of the following capacity, minswitch of suitable range with hrc fuse, 1no. volt meter (0 to 500 volts), 1 no.amp. meter of 0 to 100 amp. 3 sets ofindicating lamp capacitor of suitablecapacity and 1 no. single phase preventerswith the timer switch including wiring inpanel board and suitable electric energymeter wiring in electric control panelboard complete in all respect as perspecification given in schedule no. ii,including mcb, suitable, capacitor,wooden box etc as per siterequirement complete in all respect. 1. 10 hp motor [20.54.2]providing gi pipes class b marked with is: 1239 in 3.05 m length, their threading and welding with flanges (heavy duty) on both sides, jointing with nuts and bolts ( ‘w’ make), rubber gask
Sector: Urban Authority