Details: ns item -cantilever poles: - this signal post consists of 3sections 5”/4”/3/2” dia made from mild steel b class pipes .thetubes are joined by tempering outer tube signal post iscapable of holding vehicular as well as pedestal faces theoverhang assembly is provided for minimum clearance of polefrom g/l total height of pole varies from 8.3 mtr. pole isfurther divided in two sections and is joined with the help offlanges for easy transportation including required rcc infoundation. size of cantilever bracket upto 15 feet long andone segment section in half of bracket designed as perinternational traffic rules and standards.) supply and of 24 vdc heavy duty plainmatrix ldi cards for studs supply including connector andwires attachments complete in all respects. makes:- safetransits/dimts india / siemens india/dimits/bel india supply and of side walls made withacp/pipe frame with black paint/polished as per ircstandards with hip white base complete with clampsincluding fitting for aspect
Sector: General Admin