Details: heat & moisture exchange filters (hmef): hepa bacterial and viral filter with hme properties offering optimum hydrophobic filtration performance. gas sampling port, for end tidal co2 monitoring. recommended tidal volume range 150-1200ml.even- pleated filter medium to allow maximum filtration efficiency with minimal resistance to flow. low dead space, not more than 45-55 ml. single use, sterile. 20,000 heat&moisture exchangers (hme) filter for pediatric use: recommended tidal volume <600ml.low weight. low dead space. suitable for both ventilated and spontaneously breathing patients. low resistance to flow. corrugated paper medium with high efficiency to recover about 75% of the energy and moisture. single use, sterile. 8,000 3. 1 heat & moisture exchangers (hme) for spontaneously breathing in tracheostomized patients. suction port to allows access to suction catheter. clear housing to allow visualization of contamination. integrated oxygen port to allow delivery of supplemental oxygen.
Sector: General Admin