Details: sewage treatment plant “design, construction, , testing and commissioning of2.00 mld capacity sewage treatment plant based on sequential batch reactor (sbr) technology complete in allrespect including, landscaping, mcc panel room and all other contingent electrical, mechanical, electromagneticflow measurement device on inlet and outlet, real time water quality monitoring with data collection system(online analyzer) piping and instrumentation works with plc and scada arrangement for stp and mps along with synchronizing it with each other including furniture and laboratory equipments as per detail given in the biddocument and including following components (2 no. high mast of 9 mtr. gi octagonal pole of 4 mmthickness (t=100 mm, b= 200 mm, base plate 320x320x20mm), window at 500 mm from base plate) 12nos. providing and fixing of solar light 30 watt with dark and motion sensor, 2 level intelligent dimming after 3 and 6 hours of operation, iec certified solar panel, lm80 certified led, ip
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