Details: [10.100.2]cement concrete 1:8:16 flooring 2. cement concrete 1:8:16 with stone aggregate 40 mm size in foundation and plinth. [11.5.3]12 mm cement plaster of mix : 3. 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) [11.52]cement rendering on plaster 1 mm thick [20.62.4]providing, lowering, laying, cutting (cut surface to be uniformly finished), jointing with rubber rings marked with is : 5382 and testing of spigot and socketted rcc, np2 marked with is : 458-1988 and specials into trenches for all depths including carriage, loading, unloading, stacking, handling, re-handling etc. complete is all respects to the satisfaction to the engineer - in -charge. 4. 350 mm i/d [21.28]providing and fixing steel bar embedded plastic steps of size 263mm x 165mm of orange colour, confirming to specification in pump chambers, manholes etc., having minimum 3mm thick polypropylene polymer confirming to is:10910 encapsulated on 12mm dia ribbed steel bars per is :1786. the rate include cost of setting the same to correct lin
Sector: General Admin