Details: 26.13.3digging holes in all kinds of soil, and refilling the same, with the excavated earth, mixed with well decayed farmyard manure (cost of well decayed farm yard manure to be paid separately) hole 0.75 metre dia and 0.75 metre deep. 26.14supplying and planting in prepared pits and watering, healthy , vigorous growing , permanent trees including ,application of 10 ml chlorpyriphos 20% ec, planting desired disease free, 200 cm to 220 cm height ,5 cm to 6 cm calliper size stem , full of foliage ornamental tree sapling each to be supplied in 30cm x 30cm poly bags. 26.62 pcc tree-guard with appropriate reinforcement with ms bars of 8 mm,6mm and 4mm, having four panels of equal size and specification, consisting of overall height of 1800 mm and overall width of 620 mm including all carriage. all materials required to be as per bis specification 26.15.1maintenance of tree including fertilization, application of insecticide, watering, weeding, training, pruning, maintenance of tree for o
Sector: Urban Authority