Details: filling of water tanker 5000 liter capacity for govt. water tanker (ns) supplying and planting in prepared pits and watering, healthy , vigorous growing , permanent trees including ,application of 10 ml chlorpyriphos 20% ec, planting desired disease free, 200 cm to 220 cm height ,5 cm to 6 cm calliper size stem , full of foliage ornamental tree sapling each to be supplied in 30cm x 30cm poly bags, material rate (hsr 26.14) supply and planting of disease free healthy , vigorous growing more than 75 cm height permanent shrubs in already prepared pits, supplied in 25 cm x 20 cm poly bags , application of 10 ml chlorpyriphos 20% e.c. termiticide each and watering supplied through the tractor tanker. material rate (hsr 26.18) providing and stacking of clerodendrum inerme of ht. 20 cm to 30 cm multi branched in 15 cm size of polybag and as per direction of the officer-in-charge. (hsr 26.318)
Sector: General Admin