Details: earth work excavation in ordinary soil, exclusve of compensation of earth- (a) kassi work undressed involving an average horizontal throw up to 2 mtr and an average vertical lift up to 0.5 mtr including braking of clods. earth work excavation in ordinary soil, exclusve of compensation of earth-(b) earthwork undressed with combined lead upto 15 mtr including breaking of clods. dressing of new earthwork.(i) new work or remodeling work. earth filling - earthwork (exclusive of compensation for earth ) in excavation in ordinary soil or soil containing gravel or kankar upto 40% and filling in 15 cm layers in foundation and plinth , including ramming,watering and consolidation under floors with earth brought from a distance not exceeding 30 metres. dag belling single kassi minimum 7.5 cm depth. excavation by mechanical means(jcb or hydraulic excavator) in trenches for pipe lines with straight or open cutting in streets or open area including trimming and dressing sides levelling of beds of
Sector: Water Resource Department