Details: dismantling concrete (d) cement concrete plain 1:2:4. (csr item no. 8.6 (d)) excavation for roadway (by manual means)a) excavation for roadway in soil by manual means including carrying of cut earth to embankment site with all lead and lifts up to 50m as per technical clause 301 of mort&h specifications. (csr item no. 24.6 (a)) dressing bed and preparation of sub grade for lining. (csr item no. 19.1) cement concrete 1:8:16, with stone aggregate 40mm gauge, mixing by mechanical means using concrete mixer volumetric type. [csr item no. 10.6 (b) (ii)] cement concrete 1:2:4, with stone blast or shingle, mixing by using mechanical means concrete mixer volumetric type. [csr item no. 10.13 (a) (ii))] extra allowance for form work in concrete lining in bed. [csr item no. 19.14 (a)] carriage of material (earth, surkhi. sand, earth, fly ash. bajri. ballast. stone boulders. kankar and building , earth) including loading (metaled roads) with lead up
Sector: Irrigation