Details: excavation by mechanical means(jcb or hydraulicexcavator) intrenchesforpipelines with straight or open cutting in streets or openarea including trimming anddressing sides levellingof bedsof trenches tocorrect grade, cutting joint holes, refilling consolidation,watering, including thecost of dewateringof rainwater,diversionfor traffic, night signals. providing & fixing caution boards, crossingover trenches foraccess to the houses, watching, fencing, etc. and removal of surplus soil out side/inside the towninvolving leadupto 15 meter completein all respect.(sheet attached) a earth work upto 1.5 m. depth for ii forordinarysoil having gravel upto 40% b exceeding 1.5mdepth but not exceeding 2.25 m depth ii forordinarysoil having gravel upto 40% exceeding 2.25 m depth upto 3.00 m depth exceeding 3.00 m depth upto 4.5 m depth exceeding 4.5 m depth upto 6.0 m depth exceeding 6 m depth upto 7.5 m depth reinforced cement concrete m-25 mechanically batchmixed using batch type concretemixer aspe
Sector: Water Resource Department