Details: earth,surkhi, sand, earth, fly ash, bajri, ballast, stoneboulders, kankar and building , earth. 5.0 km by mechanical meansstone (building or pitching) sand, earth, fly ash, bajri, shingle, spalls, brick bats, brick ballast and stone metal. cement concrete 1:8:16with stone aggregates 40mm gaugemixing by mechanical means using concrete mixer volumetric type including extra carriage providing and laying 60 mm thick factory made cement concrete interlocking paver block of m-35 grade machine made rubber moulded smooth finish with strong vibratory process or with vibro- hydraulic compaction machine and of approved size and design / shape laid in ordinary grey and pattern over and including 40 mm thick compacted bed of coarse sand, filling the joints with fine sand etc, all complete as per directions of engineer-in-charge is code 15658(2006) for non traffic areas and streets having width less than 3.05 mt.( also not to usedover footpaths). cement concrete 1:2:4 with stone ballast or shingl
Sector: RDPR