Details: part-a (civil work) earth work in excavation in foundations trenches etc. in all kinds of soil where pick-jumper work is not involved and not exceeding 2.0 metres depth including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated soil clear from the edge of excavation and subsequent filling around masonry in 15 cm, layers with compaction including disposal of all surplus soil as directed within lead of 30 metres.(csr item no. 6.6) cement concrete 1:6:12 (b) with stone aggregate 40mm gauge (ii) mixing by mechanical means using concrete mixer volumetric type(csr item no. 10.8 b (ii)) first class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in foundation and plinth.(csr item no. 11.3 (i)) damp proof course 4 cm thick of cc 1: 2: 4 with two coats of bitumen 20/30 @ 1.65 kg per sqm laid hot and sanded.(csr item no. 10.26) first class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in first storey upto 4 metres above plinth level.(csr item no. 11.4 (i)) 115mm thick brick w
Sector: Irrigation