Details: carrying out the resistivity survey by ves method using schlumberger configuration for locating the proper spot for drilling of tube well with in the selected habitation, including photography, interpretation of resistivity data and submission of report in the desired format along with resistivity necessary graph, photographs and readings.sor no. 20.1/254 drilling of perfectly vertical bore hole of a diameter suitable to receive 125mm nominal diameter casing pipe upto desired depth below ground level inclusive of the labour charges for transporting, lowering and fixing of 125mm nominal diameter m.s./g.i./u.p.v.c. casing pipe inside the bore hole including all works pertaining to drilling such as transportation, installation and removal of drilling machine etc. complete.sor no. 20.2/254 in all types of collapsible strata consisting of soils, clays, sand, moorum, gravel, boulders etc. in all types of rocks. drilling of perfectly vertical bore hole of a diameter suitable to receive 150m
Sector: Urban Authority