Details: leakge repairing of 300/350/400/450/500/600/750/800 mm diameter. ci/di rising/pumping mains pipe line. excavation for finding out leakage in various diameters of rising/pumping main, with the help of j.c.b machine to expose leakage pipe line. the exact position of leakage of pipe line due to limitation of nearby existing gas pipe line, telecom cable, culvert, structure and other as per site conditions etc. which is below the cement concrete road? therefore tractor mounted/ j.c.b. mounted concrete breaker having capacity of minimum 2 kg/cm2 is needed for breaking concrete road along with an operator i/c cost of diesel, proper barricading the open trench after finishing day’s work to avoid any eventuality as the work may take two three day’s for finding out exact position of leakage. after reaching the exact position of leakage, manually mud cleaning is around the pipe to make the proper space for working and making alternate drain to restrict spreading of water on road and adjacen
Sector: Urban Authority