Details: extension of medical gases pipeline system 1 oxygen out let points along with key plug front loading type (nrc 10 + ward no 9 -4points, ward no 3 -4points , ward no 5 2 points ward 6 -2 points , ward no 9 -4points , ward 12 -4points and private ward -2 point 2 vacuum outlet points along with key plug frontloading type 3 oxygen flow meter along with humidifier bottle 4 ward vacuum unit along with 600 ml jar and regulator set with tube 5 insulation valve 15mm 6 bed head panels 2 ft with single electric board 7 medical grade copper pipe as per required with pipe line fitting, labour, welding, painting with colour code (in meter ) 7.1 copper pipe 12mm 7.2 copper pipe 15mm 7.3 copper p
Sector: Medical and Health