Optical Fibre E32-D221B 2M 39,PROXIMITY SENSOR E2S - 111714979
The Department of Economic Affairs has published a tender for "Optical Fibre E32-D221B 2M 39,PROXIMITY SENSOR E2S-W11 1M,Retro Reflective Laser sensor HEAD LVH62,FIBER SENSOR HEAD LV-N11N,LEAKAGE BREAKER EW250RAGU-3P125C,BREAKER BW250EAGU-3P150,BREAKER BW32AAG-2P015,CIRCUIT PROTECTOR CP30FM-1P025,CIRCUIT PROTECTOR CP30FM-1P015,BREAKER BW50AAG-3P050,LEAKAGE BREAKER EW32AAG2P10C 100mA,LEAKAGE BREAKER EW32AAG3P15C 100mA,MAGNETIC SWITCH SW-0 2E AC100V 0 point 95A,MAGNETIC SWITCH SW-0 2E AC100V 1 point 7A,MAGNETIC SWITCH SW-0 2E AC100V 2 point 8A,MAGNETIC SWITCH SW-0 2E AC100V 9A,MAGNETIC SWITCH SW-0RM 2E AC100V 0 point 8A,MAGNETIC SWITCH SW-0RM 2E AC100V 0 point 48A,MAGNETIC SWITCH SW-0 AC100V 0 point 15A,MAGNETIC SWITCH SW-0 2E AC100V 0 point 1A,AUXILIARY CONTACT SZ-A20,CONTACTOR SC-N2 AC100V,Contactor KIT SC-0,INTERLOCK UNIT SZ-RM,MAGNETIC CONTACTOR SC-4-1 AC100V,MAGNETIC CONTACTOR SH-4H 2a2b AC100V,Electromagnetic contactorSC-4-1 point AC200V,SOLID STATE CONTACTOR SS032-1-D5 F T,THERMAL RELAY TR-0N 0 point 15A,FUJI CONTACTOR SC-5-1,Reflector R-7,Breaker BW32AAG-2P030,Circ" on the 07 Dec 2024. This tender belongs to Vehicle Spares category. This tender is published in Dewas, Madhya Pradesh location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Vehicle Spares tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
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Department of Economic Affairs published 22 tenders for "vehicle spares" from November 2022 until November 2023.
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Sector: Economics and Statistics