Details: "name of work: supply, installation and commissioning of laboratory equipment for civil engineering at government polytechnic college, jatara" "brief description of item/apparatus/ equipment/ machine(see tender document for detailed specifications)"2metric chain (30 metres)metric chain (20 metres)gunters chainrevenue chainengineer's chainsteel tapefibre glass taperanging rods (2 m length)ranging rods (3 m length)pegoff set rodopen cross staff french cross staffoptical square prism typeline ranger prism typeprismatic compasssurveyor compassabney levelplane table and accessories plane tablealidademagnetic compassengineer's level (spirit level)plumbing forkplumb bobcanvas coveralidade simple and telescopiclevelling staff (3 metre) levelling staff (4 metre)transit vernier theodolite with tacheometerdigital planimetergps hand held with gis softwarevicat apparatusslump cone apparatuscompaction factor apparatusrebound hammer apparatusvibration tablemason tool kitplumber's kitle-chatelie
Sector: Science University