Details: the arrangement of the following streets, gates, haat bazaar and shops for the financial year 2024-25 mentioned in front of the names of streets, gates, haat bazaar, shops. promenade/gate / haat bazaar, name of shops3sipar gatesugia katsari gateguruhar gatepiprahi gatedekuli dharmapur gateghazipur gatenayagaon gateshyampur tole chamenia gatevrindavan gatehirota imma gatevijhmarpur gateumaid chhapadha gatedistrict council road no. 28, salgarh, collection work from the mobile shops on both sides of the road in asoni bazaar.collection of cowries from mobile shops along the district council roads in pimrahi bazaar part.dumri kewala bazaarpiprahi bazaarkamrauli bazaarallotment of room number 5 and 6 shop in piprahi bazaarallocation of 12 shops in front of dumri katsari block officeallotment of shop number 12, 18 and 17 in the road leading from piprahi main block to ratanpur.arrangement of 25 trees of small and big mango and other fruitful fruits in the premises of district council ayurvedic
Sector: District Administration