Details: tender for supply of machines and laboratory equipment’s for electrical and electronics in the premises of government polytechnic munger name of equipmentmicrocontroller and its application lab8051 microcontroller trainerlcd 16x4 alphanumeric display4 x4 matrix keypaddac0808 8-bit digital to analog d/a converter ic package dip-16ic 741 adc0808/0809stepper motordc motor at89s52-24pi /at89552 ic atmel 8051 microcontroller 40 pin dip mount chip 8 bit microprocessor 8kb isp(in system programming) flash memory up to 33mhz clock frequency speed digital communication labbasic digital communication training systemadvanced digital communication training systemprinciple of electronics and communication labanalog communication training system 10 khz to 3 ghz spectrum analyser with tracking genertor 100 mhz dual channel digital storage oscilloscope microprocessor & micro controller labmicroprocessor kit (8085 based)8086 microprocessor training for studyintel 8051 microcontroller kit with d
Sector: Science and Tech dept