Details: part-a :- supplying and stacking of well decayed cattle manure at site including royalty and carriage upto 5 k.m.lead complete (cattle manure measured in stacks will reduced by 8% for payment) dsr-2020 digging holes in ordinary soil and refilling the same with the excavated earth mixed with manure or sludge in the ratio of 2:1 by volume (2 parts of stacked volume of earth after reduction by 20% : 1 part of stacked volume of manure after reduction by 8%) flooding with water, dressing including removal of and surplus earth, if any, with all leads and lifts (cost of manure, sludge or extra good earth if needed to be paid for separately) holes 60 cm dia, and 60 cm deep (item-2.14.3 dsr 2020) supply and stacking of tree :- cassia fistula-amaltash (height 120 to 135 cm.) dsr horticulture 2020 item-10271 cassia siamea (height 150 to 165 cm.) dsr horticulture 2020 item-10272 syzgium cumini-jamun (height 150 to 165 cm.) dsr horticulture 2020 item-10338 ficus infectoria-pilkhan (heig
Sector: Urban Authority