Details: laying and jointing pvc pipe. heading supply and fixing of cast iron painted grill. grill should be made of 20 mm vertical solid bar. height of the grill should be 1000mm including motive and spike and top and bottom members should be 20*40 mm solid square bar for supporting of vertical 1 member each baluster (vertical member) should be fixed in 200mm equal spacing including spike. the bidder shall be fix the sample of grill for approval on site. providing and laying cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement, 2core sand,4 graded stone ballast 20mm nominal size) including supply of all materials. laboure and t&p etc. required for proper completion of work curing complete also including cost of frame works. cast cement, concrete door, sills, chaukhats, boundary post, shelves, and similar small works with cement, approved course etc. rate as per sor-4/6(2)-282
Sector: Urban Authority