Details: constrution of pump house construction of pump house of size (3.60m x 3.00m x 3.00) chlorinating room size (1.8mx2.60m x 3.0m) as per type design. by- pass chamber rising main work supply of following sizes of d.i pipes class k-7/9 with all jointing materials as per is- 8329/2000 or its latest amendments including f.o.r. destination and all taxes and insurance etc. complete 125 mm dia di.k-9 supply of d.i. d/f specials including f.o.r. destination and all taxes and insurance etc. complete supply of following sizes of d.i double flanged sluice valve as per i.s:14846:2000 working pressure 10 kg/cm2 f.o.r. destination and all taxes and insurance. 125 mm carting of following sizes d.i.d/f sluice valve and specials from departmental store to site of work and lowering them into the trenches, fixing in position and jointing them with pipelines and testing etc. complete(including supply of jointing materials) 125 mm excavation for pipe line trenches in ordinary soil (loam, clay or san
Sector: Water supply and Sewerage