Details: civil work excavation in foundation in ordinary soil including lift upto 1-50 m and lead upto 30m requiring the use of special t&p such as cement concrete with 4 cm guage stone ballast course sand and cement in the propertion of 1:6:12 in foundation and under floors including supply of all material labour and t&p etc. m-150 brick work in 1:4 cement and coarse sand of 1.25 f.m in foundation and plinth i/c supply of all materails labour and tools and plants etc requried for proper completion of the work as per si no 305 m-150 brick work in 1:4 cement and coarse sand of 1.25 f.m in foundation and plinth i/c supply of all materails labour and tools and plants etc requried for proper completion of the work as per si no 305 12 mm cement plaster in 1:4 with cement and coarse sand mortar as per si no 584 finishing wall with water proffing cement paint of approved make and quality to give an even shade including in all respect. wall painting two coat with plastic emulsion paint of first quality
Sector: Industry Development