Description: Construction and Development of Smart Parking at 06 different location in ABD area of Moradabad City with 03 year O and M under MSCL Name of Work Construction Development of Smart Parking at 06 different locations in ABD Area of Moradabad City with 03 years O M Under Moradabad Smart City Ltd
Details: Taking out existing CC interloking paver blocks from footpath/center verge including removal of etc. disposal of unserviceble material to the dumping groud (DSR 16.83* 8667) Demolishing temp shed and removal of etc. disposal of unserviceable material to the dumping ground Construction of dwarf wall with S.S railing covered with granite on both sides also on top Cost of Brickwork in edge of interloking Cost of solar lighting Providing and placing in posotion 100mm thick factory made machine batched& machine mixed precast RCC reactangular covers on drains of footpath of variuos sizeof M-25 garde cement concrete for RCC work including cost of centring shuttring reinfocement of 8mm dia TMT bars of fe 500 garde @ Maximum 100mm c/c on both ways neat cement punning on finished surface properly encased on all edges with 1.6 mm thick 100mm wide MS sheet duly painted over priming cost reinforcement to be welded at edges with ms sheet and providing 2 Nos 12mm dia bar for hooks etc. i/c
Sector: Smart City