Details: renov a non work at hajj samiti office lucknowground floors.isch . no.description of itemn.qtv.unitratesamountdismantling or ex isting wall, windows, shutter, doors &installation of available shutters, windows. doors, if required ordirecled as per lie.2 polishing & fini shing of existing oooring3 providing and fixing aluminium work for doors,windows, ventilators and partitions with extrudedbuilt up standard tubular sectionsl approp r iate zsections and other sections of approved makeconforming to is: 733 and is : 1285, fixed withrawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips , or withexpansion hold fasteners including necessary fillingup of gaps at junctions, at top, bottom and sideswith required pvc/neoprene felt etc. aluminiumsections shall be smooth, rust free, straight,mitred and jointed mechanically wherever requiredincluding cleat angle, aluminium snap beading forglazing i paneling, c.p. brass i stainless steelscrews, all complete as per architectural drawingsand the directions of en
Sector: Religious building