Details: excavation in foundation in ordinary soil (loam clay or sand) including lift upto 1.5m and lead upto 30m and including filling, watering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenches or into the space between the building and sides of the foundation work. csi no. 4.01 earth filling under floors and/or sub station area including cost of earth when obtained from with in 8 km outside uppcl area including its roylty and carriage, loading/ unloading, spreading , watering, ramming in 20 cm layers and dressing of earth etc. for proper completion of the work. csi no. 4.10 sand filling in plinth including supply of necessary quantity of fine sand from outside the uppcl premises including watering, dressing etc. rate to include cost of all materials, labour and t&p etc. required for proper completion of work.(csi no. 4.05) concrete with 4cm gauge stone ballast, coarse sand & cement in proportion of 12:6:1 in foundations &under floors including supply of all materials, labour and tools
Sector: Distribution