Details: the work for 100 kva t/f installation to ee, pwd, varanasi for road street light from saint johnes to ashoka tiraha, tilmapur, varanasi, under uedsd-3, ledhupur, uedd- sarnath , varanasi m/s nut & bolt off size top channel dropper channel t/f base clamp danger board with clamp loop/stay insulator labour charge for fixing o/d, i/d cable box suttable for 11 kv 3x70 sqmm xlpe cable of st pole with all materials and labour charge for laying connecting of ug cable with loading uloading charges the work for 100 kva t/f installation to ee, pwd, varanasi for road street light from hanuman temple to sandaha at hanuman temple, rustanpur , varanasi, under uedsd-3, ledhupur, uedd- sarnath , varanasi m/s nut & bolt off size top channel dropper channel t/f base clamp danger board with clamp loop/stay insulator labour charge for fixing o/d, i/d cable box suttable for 11 kv 3x70 sqmm xlpe cable of st pole with all materials and labour charge for laying connecting of ug cable with loading uloading
Sector: Distribution