Details: dismantling existing plaster, including disposal of refuse as directed by the engineer- in- charge with in distance of 60 m. dismantling cement concrete or brick or granolithic floors, including base concrete and including stacking of dismentled materials as directed by the engineer -in-charge with in a distance of 60m. 12mm cement plaster in single coat on rough side of single/ half brick wall for interior/ exterior plastering in singl;e storey building finished even & smooth 1 cement : 4 coarse sand including all l/m, t&p etc. cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 ( 1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate) excluding the cost of all materials etc. but including labour & t&p etc. complete.(a) 25 mm thick over 4 cm thick or lime concrete 1:4:8 providing and applying plaster of putty 2mm thickness over plasterd surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete. scraping old white or colour wash including disposal of refuse as directed by engineer- in- charge with in a d
Sector: Irrigation