Details: e/w in excavation in foundation ordinary soil 1.5m lift & 250m lead including all complete. p/l c.c. 1:4:8 cement fine sand mortar & 40mm gauge brick ballast as directed by e/i. s.i. no. 275 r.c.c. work for drain cement appd. coarse sand & 20mm gauge stone grit in the proportion of 1:2:4 boundary mixing of cc by mixer and mechanically compacted by etc. all complete excluding supply of reinforcement and its binding but including its fixing with 24 b.w.g.i. binding wire and including necessary centering and shutering etc. all complete. s.i. no. 283 r.c.c. slab in 1:2:4 cement, coarse sand mortar & appd. stone grit etc. all comp. as directed by e/i. s.i. no. 284 m/s or iron plain for r.c.c. work etc. all comp. s.i. no. 504 s/f of sign board with bg stone including all comp.
Sector: RDPR