Details: distt of old damaged cc tiles road distt of old damaged cc road distt of old damaged b/w cartage upto 5km supplying of earth for cutting or in embankment in ordinary soil p/l of b/ballast in 1:6:12 m-150 class b/w in 1:4 cement c'sand mortor in f/p incuding supply of all materials 12mm thick plaster in 1:5 with cement c'sand sand and mortar cement concrete with 2cm gauge approved stone ballast, approved coarse sand and cement rcc 1:2:4 with cement c'sand stone grit of 20mm gauge in slab mild steel or iron for plain work such as reinforced cocnrete construction of gsb by providing, laying, spreding and p/l of 125 micron plsatic sheet p/l oc cc 1:2:4 inroad slab deduction cost of brick bats deduction cost of bricks distt of old damaged cc tiles road distt of old damaged cc road distt of old damaged b/w cartage upto 5km supplying of earth for cutting or in embankment in ordinary soil p/l of b/ballast in 1:6:12 m-150 class b/w in 1:4 cement c'sand mortor in f/p incuding supply of all ma
Sector: RDPR