Details: dismentling of old and damage c.c/interloking including supply of all material,labour and t&p etc.required for proper completion of work disposal of dismentling cc road material with cartage upto distance 3.00 km i/c loading and unloading 80 % of item no-1 including supply of all material,labour and t&p etc.required for proper completion of work dismentling of old and damage drain brick work including supply of all material,labour and t&p etc.required for proper completion of work deduction of old and workable brick 40% of item no-3 breaking of old brick bets for 4cm guage brick ballast 60% 0f item no-3 deduction cost of old brick ballast as per item no-4 c.conc,with 4cm stone ballast in 1:4:8 cement coarse sand mortar including supply of all material i/c all completion of work m-150 brick work in 1:3 with cement,coarse sand mortar including supply of all material,labour and t&p etc.required for proper completion of work. 12mm thick plaster in 1:3 with cement,coarse sand mortar inc
Sector: RDPR