Details: water divertion/dewaterning by pumping excavation for roadway in soil using manual means for carrying of cut earth to embankment site with a lift upto 1.5 m and lead up to 50 m as per technical specification clause 302.3 providing concrete for plain concrete in open foundations complete as per drawings and technical specifications clause 802, 803, 1202 & 1203 (p.c.c. grade m 10 nominal mix 1:3:6) filling in foundation trenches as per drawing & technical specification clause 305.3.9 providing concrete for plain/reinforced concrete in open foundations complete as per drawings and technical specifications clause 802, 803, 1202 & 1203 (r.c.c. grade m 25) supplying, fitting, and placing m.s/tmt bar reinforcement in foundation complete as per drawing and technical specifications clauses 1000 and 1202 supply & fixing sign board
Sector: RDPR