Details: digging of pit for water collecting (pit size = 3.0mx3.0mx1.50m = 13.500 m3) as per id sor ch- 5 sn-5 drilling of 300mm boring by pressure set machine i/c lowering all complete work as per pwd ch 28 (sn 1) tanker charges development charge by compressor 265 c.f.m. (100 psi)/ 25hp tractor @35/hr/hp. supply of 160 mm dia pvc 4kgf pipe supply of 160 mm dia pvc 4kgf pipe (screen) supply of nylon mesh (6+1)*1 supply of ms iron clamp 150 mm dia 10 kg. @89/kg chap 10.1 supply of 160 mm dia pvc end cap pwd sor chap 1 35.44 c/sand jungle clearince of office compound as per id sor ch-5 s.n.17 dismantling of cement concrete or brick or granolithic floor ,including base concrete and including stacking of dismantled material as directed by engineer in charge with in distance 60m as per id sor ch-6 s.n. 3 e/w excavation for boaring pit/reacharge pit in ordinary soil as per id sor ch-5 s.n.5 c.c. in 1:4:8 (1 cement:4 fine sand:8 40 mm obb normal size) and curing complete i/c cost of formwork in
Sector: Irrigation