Details: safety related miscellaneous track activities in the section of sse/pway/mb under aden/hq. estimate no. 137/2024 description:- all items of nrussor ch. no - 06(rails, sleepers and fittings renewal)2please see item breakup for details. 397922.61 (-) 7.10 369670.10description:- total of chapter 07(turn out and renewal)3please see item breakup for details. 483040.00 (-) 7.10 448744.16description:- all items of nrussor ch. no - 08(deep screening and ballast related activities)4please see item breakup for details. 3723141.67 (-) 7.10 3458798.61description:- all items of nrussor ch. no - 13(maintenance activities)5please see item breakup for details. 108800.00 (-) 5.78 102511.36description:- total of chapter 15(heavy track machines)6please see item breakup for details. 209604.20 (-) 7.10 194722.30description:- all items of nrussor ch. no - 17(handling of material).7please see item breakup for details. 284837.79 (-) 7.10 264614.31description:- total of chapter 21(miscellaneous item
Sector: Railways