Details: dismentaling of old cc i/tiles with all comp of work relaying of cc interlocking tile with all comp of work m-150 class brick work in 1 : 4 (one cement and four core sand of 1.25 f.m. mortar) 12 mm thich plaster with one part of cement and four part of approved coarse sand supplying & stacking of 22.4 to 53 mm size ram nagar stone ballast with screening material with load unloading. consolidation of stone ballast with out road roller charges i/c opening out stacks sorting in to proper size carraige of mattel up to proper size carraige of mattel up to 30 mm supply and maintenance of barriers caution post light at hight carraige of water up to 200 m i/c water all labour and t&p etc. providing & laying cc 1 : 2 : 4 with cement core sand and 2 cm stone grit with all comp of work supply & leying of cc interlocking tiles of m 30 grade 80 mm thick grey tile with leveling & dressing to the require level & filling joint with fine sand i/c all comp of labour & t&p with cost of fine sand al
Sector: RDPR