Details: construction of embankment with approved material obtained from borrow pits with a lift up to 1.5 meter transporting to sites spreading grading to require and compaction to meet requirement of table 300.1 & 300.2 with a lead up to 1000 meter as per mord technical specification clause 301.5 mord sepecification 301.5(i) 3.4(ordinary soil) cement treated subbaseproviding, laying, spreading material on prepared sub grade adding cement @ 2% by weight to the spread material manually mixing in place with rotavator and compacting with the road roller at omc to achieve the desired unconfined compressive strength to form a layer of subbase. cement treated baseproviding, laying, spreading material on a prepared sub base, cement @ 4% by weight to the spread material manually mixing in place with rotavator and compacting with the road rollar at omc to achieve the desired unconfined compressive strength to form a layer of base. providing and applying tack coat with bitumen vg-10 using bitume
Sector: PWD