Details: non-glp determining if the compound-1348 is a substrate of the transporters (i) p-gp, (ii) bcrp along with it’s (iii) permeability assessment using caco2 assay system [n=3, using standard compounds, substrates and inhibitors]note 1: n=3 or triplicate well [apical to basal and basal to apical permeability]note 2: use at least three standard compounds covering low to high permeabilitynote 3: standard substrate at least one each for p-gp and bcrpnote 4: standard inhibitor at least one each for p-gp and bcrpnote 5: membrane integrity test should be performednote 6: data type: papp value, % recovery, permeability rank, efflux ratio, efflux ratio in presence and absence of inhibitor, etc
Sector: Industry Development