Details: items e/w in excavation in cutting em bank ment inmar kabour, renker soil including load 30 m andlift 1.50m.(i) up to 1.50 mtr. depth from top of wing walll. also in protection, approuch road etc earth work in excarvation up to bed level of nala (taking one left) in wing wall & nala natural sarface make earthen coffer dam for diverting nala water through diversion drain also e/w in make diversion drainal r bank of nala removal of stush in foundation of wing wall, crest and floors excluidng cost of dewatering e/w in excavation in saturated soil in foundation of wing wall, crest, floors etc. removal of earther coffer dam saturated soildue to filling of nala water u/s e/w in filling of divesion drain after complision of work p.c.c 1:3:6 with cement sand and 20-40mm stone grite in foundation ofvwing wall, crest, floors cut off walls rupta & approuch road etc r.c.r khanda mesonary with 1:4 csm and 20*20*20 cm stone grant khanda in construction of wing wall crest protection walls etc, incl
Sector: Irrigation