Details: artery forcepconformity to indianstandardis 3645:1992 for spencer wells artery forcep, is8040:1992 for kocher artery forcep, is 3644:1992for hals-ted mosquito artery forceps, is 6780:1989for robert artery forcep, is 8174:1994 for dandyartery forcep, is 8175:1994 for hugh cairn arteryforcep, naproductinformationtype of artery forcep spencer well artery forcep, halsted mosquito arteryforceps, kocher artery forcep, mixter artery forcep,kelly artery forcep, adson artery forcep, crile arteryforcep, robert artery forcep, hugh cairn arteryforcep, dandy artery forcep (plane tip), dandyartery forcep (toothed tip), coller artery forcep,meeker artery forcep
Sector: Medical and Health