Details: boq items e/w in excavation in foundation ordinary soil 1.5m lift & 50m. lead including all complete. s.i. no. 251 p/l c.c. 1:5:10 cement fine sand mortar & 40mm gauge brick ballast as directed by e/i. s.i. no. 274 first class b/w in 1:4 cement & coarse sand mortar in foundation & plinth etc. completed as directed by e/i. s.i. no. 305(b) 12mm thick plaster with cement mortar in 1:4 cement and fine sand etc. all complete as per 584 p/l of c.c. in 1:2:4 cement, coarse sand mortar & appd. stone grit etc. all comp. as directed by e/i. s.i. no. 279(b) r.c.c. slab in 1:2:4 cement, coarse sand mortar & appd. stone grit etc. all comp. as directed by e/i. s.i. no. 284 (50%) m/s or iron work plain for r.c.c. work etc. all comp. s.i. no. 504 same as item no. 9 s/f of sign board with bg stone including all comp.
Sector: RDPR