Details: dismentling of cement concrete or brick or granolithic floors including base concrete and incliding stacking of dismantled materials as directed by e/i within a distance of 60 metre (200 feet). cartage of ballast, kankar,coal,grit or sand including loading & unloading but excluding stacking on pakka roads .(8km.) providing & laying spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification including premixing the material with water at omc in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site laying in uniform layer with paver in sub- base/base coarse on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achievethe desired density, mort&h - 406. const. of un -reinforced plain c.c. pavent, thickness as per design, over a prepared sub base , with 43 grade cement or any other type as per clause 1501.2.2 m 30(grade), ….... techanical specification clause 1501. m-150 brick work in 1:4 ( 1cement : 4 coarse sand) in foundation and plinth includ
Sector: Urban Authority