Details: regulation & patrolling of feeder/ main / branch/ distributory and minor canals of canal irrigation projects with their own conveyance system (two wheeler with pol) and mobile (with recharge pack) for communicating with site incharge or control room including jute rassi, torch, fawda etc. all t&p required for regulation. canal having discharge capacity upto 100 cusec. hydraulic excavator/ loader like jcb/ poclain, hitachi etc. with all accessories (for actual site working, idle period) having bucket capacity above (a) 0.40 & upto 0.75 provision for diesel per km/or per hr. (in liters) supplying of well stitched earth filled bags of capacity, weigh not less than 40 kg per bag at site etc. complete (a) plastic bag labour charges for making coffer dam/ring bund (under flowing / stagnate water pool) by loading transporting earth filled cement bags dropping at required locations in water including lead up to 3 km and lift up to 8 meter from nsl complete (excluding cost of earth filled ce
Sector: Water Resource Department