Details: name of work :- r/ work on lai railway fatak to meena ki dhaniin km 4/0 to 4/275 clearing & grubbing road land incl. uprooting rank vegetation, grass,bush, shrubs, saplings & trees of girth upto 300mm, removal ofstumps, disposal of unserviceable material & stacking of serviceablematerial upto 1000 m from road boundry as per morth specification: 201 by mechanical means in area of light jungle 0.14 9600.00 p.hect 1320.002 construction of embankment with approved material obtained fromborrow pits with a lift upto 1.5 m, transporting to site, spreading,grading to required and compacting to meet requirement oftables 300.1 and 300.2 with a lead upto 1000 m as per technicalspecification clause 301 to 305 _____do____ with lead upto - 50mtr 433.13 52.00 p. 22523.003 providing and laying granular sub-base material (from naturalquarry) having p.i.not more than 6, including spreading in layers notexceeding 150 mm compacted thickness and consolidation by 8-10tonne power roller to re
Sector: PWD