Details: as per bsr description scrapping of gras and shrubs item no-24 ch-v wrd bsr 2022 tonk less 10%c.p. dagbelling 5 cm to 7.50 cm.deep(gkn6b) excavation including loading unloading disposal and dressing of excavated earth with in inntial lead of 50mtr and lift up to 1.50 mtr in dry or moist including dressing of excavated area dewatering wherever required complele in all respect (excavation work to be executed by machine) as per bsr on irrigation tonk circle. item no. 1 a. hard i denese soil. b. hard soil mixed with kanker boulder morrum. soft/disintegrated rock item no 02 a cement concrete well mixed in cement mortar(1:4:8) laid in position complete including curing aggregate size upto 20mm. (gkn 170 a) random rubble stone masonary in cement sand mortar(1:6) for foundation (gkn 166a) cement plaster including smooth finishing in cement mortar (1:4)25mm thick (gkn 76a) cement concrete coping in cement mortar1:2:4.with aggregate12 mm thick (gkn16) earth work in rough (borrow area) excava
Sector: Irrigation